Instigate your perfect skin care routine with SaQuest nature delicate face wash which is infused with pure raw honey that hydrates, softens the skin and also fights acne. Honey can assist in improving the skin’s appearance, keep the skin looking young and prevent infections on the skin that can accelerate aging. Lemon which is rich source of vitamin C and it is great anti – oxidant which breaks down the excessive oil molecules and unclogs the pores, thus fighting acne breakouts and blackheads. Lemon acts as natural bleaching agent, which helps to lighten and brighten your complexion. Formulated with natural ingredients this face wash keeps you feeling fresh and it pulls out all the tough and deep set grime and toxins, leaving your skin scrupulously clean. Saquest nature face wash is 100 % free from paraben, soap, alcohol, artificial coloring & fragrance. It is paramount to clean your face at least twice a day.